Taking a bite out of food ads targeted to kids

Medical X- Press – Len Canter

Kids can be as strongly influenced by TV commercials as by the shows themselves, and many studies have found that tempting food ads have a particularly harmful effect, contributing to childhood obesity. While the government has stepped in with nutrition guidelines for manufacturers, these are largely voluntary and, therefore, not enforceable. So it’s up to parents to be vigilant. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-02-food-ads-kids.html

8 Healthy Ways For Children To Express Anger That Are Constructive & Effective

Romper – Alison Kresta

We have a rule in our house — you’re allowed to have feelings, you’re allowed to be angry, but you’re not allowed to take your anger out on people or objects. Door slamming? That’s a hard no. Throwing things? Also a hard no. Name calling? Not OK. But angry harmonica music coming from behind my 5-year-old’s bedroom door? Play your little heart out, kid. If you’re feeling frustrated with your little hothead, there are some creative ways for your kid to deal with anger that are constructive and effective. https://www.romper.com/p/8-healthy-ways-for-children-to-express-anger-that-are-constructive-effective-15910415

The world-changing power of getting boys in the kitchen

Quartzy – Annaliese Griffin

In my house, cooking is rarely a solitary endeavor. While both my husband and I love to cook, he’s the one who plans and prepares most of our meals, usually with the enthusiastic assistance of our four-year-old son. On the nights when I cook, our son is just as involved, dragging a chair next to wherever I’m standing. He’s an excellent mixer, and eager to be allowed more access to knives. https://qz.com/quartzy/1556014/teaching-boys-to-cook-can-help-fix-the-emotional-labor-divide/

Kids’ snacking ‘out of hand’: UK expert

The Daily Mail – Staff Writer

Constant snacking among kids is out of control and a huge concern when you consider the poor quality food many parents are giving their children, child nutrition expert Annabel Karmel says. The British author and chef says she’s flabbergasted by what she sees in Australian supermarkets and is not surprised childhood obesity is on the rise Down Under. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/aap/article-6738061/Kids-snacking-hand-UK-expert.html