Jul 24, 2017
The Hindu – Raj Ganpath
“A couple of decades ago, almost everything we did was physical. We walked a lot, had no video games or cell phones, lifted heavy things and played sport that demanded some form of fitness. Kids now don’t get a chance to move freely. Even if they want to, they just don’t get the time, space or company to do so. Also, every task and chore has been made so easy that they don’t get a chance to use their bodies on a regular basis the way we were able to. Physical activity is the only solution. Irrespective of what sports kids choose, being fit enough to play is necessary. Kids need to move, and if it doesn’t happen naturally, we’re going to have to enable that.” (more)
Jul 23, 2017
The Miami Herald – Amanda C. Fifi, M.D.
“Labeling a child obese can seem harsh, creating embarrassment, fear and guilt. There should be no more shame, however, in the disease of obesity than there is in cancer or asthma. Obesity is medically defined as a child having a body mass index (BMI) greater than the 95th percentile as appropriate for his or her age and sex. One in every five kids today is obese — that’s up from 1 in 20 kids just 35 years ago.” (more)
Jul 23, 2017
Go Erie – Lisa Oderacker
“Parents are looking for ways to develop their children’s eating patterns and exercise habits. Tackling these issues at a young age can give children a head start at being a healthy adult. What can you do today to help shape a healthier future for your child?” (more)
Jul 22, 2017
The Daily Mail – Alexandra Thompson
“Children who are exposed to restaurant placemats advertising healthy food alongside fun images and games are significantly more likely to order such meals, a study found.” (more)
Jul 22, 2017
Barbados Today – Staff Writer
“Childhood obesity in Barbados has reached alarming proportions, and any programmes implemented to deal with this problem must address some of our cultural traditions, as well as new habits we have adopted from our more developed neighbours. This was the consensus reached following a presentation on childhood obesity to the National Committee Monitoring the Rights of the Child, held recently at the Government’s Warrens Office Complex.” (more)