Aug 31, 2017
The Huffington Post – Gil G. Noam, EdD
Whether jumping through sprinklers at city parks, chasing soccer balls at camp, or kayaking with family, the quintessential childhood summer is filled with physical activity. Fortunately, summer programming has often reflected that kids need to get outdoors, use their bodies, play, and socialize. What’s troubling is what happens during the other 10 months of the year, when kids are put behind desks for between six and seven hours each day. I often wonder: What do schools have against using the body during the school day? (more)
Aug 31, 2017
The Gainesville Sun – Robert Yang
Ready, set, exercise! As a pediatrician, I often get the opportunity to counsel families about the importance of physical activity. It comes as no surprise that all parents agree that exercising is good for their child’s health. However, with the amount of homework and extracurricular activities, how does one have time to include exercise in their child’s schedule? Although there is no magical solution, a few key points can assist in building healthy habits with regards to exercise. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Now although this may sound daunting, this 60 minutes of exercise can be split up throughout the day. (more)
Aug 30, 2017
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
In a study of nearly 400 preschool children, only one child adhered to obesity prevention guidelines over the course of a single day at child care and at home. The 5-2-1-0 guidelines recommend children eat at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, view less than two hours of screen time, participate in one hour of physical activity and consume no sugar-sweetened beverages daily. (more)
Aug 30, 2017
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
A new study has found that short bursts of intensive exercise boosts children’s brain power and has benefits for children with learning difficulties or conditions such as autism. Scientists have long known that exercise is good for the brain. Previous research has found that long, sustained workouts lasting for around 30 to 40 minutes improve memory and learning in both adults and children. (more)
Aug 29, 2017
The Guardian – David Cox
Last week, Public Health England said 6 million middle-aged adults in England take less than 10 minutes’ brisk exercise a month, risking their health. But when does the problem start? It seems the answer is “very young”. Last year, a damning international study portrayed British children as among the least active in the world. Despite government guidelines urging parents to ensure their offspring do at least an hour of moderate-intensity exercise every day, compared with 38 other nations including Venezuela and Slovenia, England and Wales are currently third-worst in the list – with Scotland at the bottom. Only 22% of boys aged 11 to 15 manage the recommended amounts of daily exercise, and just 15% of girls. (more)