Healthy lunch box ideas that kids will eat – Susie Burrell

“Considering though that growing children do consume up to 30 per cent of their total calories while they are at school, what we pack them each day is important. So here are the easiest steps to take to pack a healthy yet child friendly lunch box, and the best packaged snacks out there if you are looking for some guidance. The easiest way to pack a nutritionally balanced lunch box is to think of it in terms of compartments or sections. This way you will ensure you have enough items in the lunch but also the right nutritional balance. (more)

Health Talk: Get outside and play

The Rutland Herald – Colleen Flanagan

“Let’s face it, it can be hard to get outside during a Vermont winter to get some exercise and activity every day. The good news is that the Rutland region is brimming with programs, new and old, to make it easy and fun to play outside in the snow. So, let’s talk about all of the outdoor activities available to you and your family with February school break underway. (more)

Parents could vastly improve the diets of their children with one small change

Quartz – Nadine Rubin Nathan

“Parents are constantly being advised to reduce the amount of added sugar and fat in children’s diets and countries like England recently released new snack guidelines that focus on calorie content to help combat growing obesity in children. However, in a bid to avoid sugary snacks and lower the overall calories, parents often reach for savory ones instead—a switch that can similarly damage children’s health. (more)

Using Art to Tackle Obesity and Diabetes in Youth

The New York Times – ANAHAD O’CONNOR

“Type 2 diabetes was once known as adult-onset diabetes. But now that term is outdated: Increasingly it is a disease that begins in childhood. Between 2000 and 2009, the rate of Type 2 diabetes in children jumped more than 30 percent — and it is climbing especially fast among children from poor and minority families. The prevalence of the disease doubled in the last decade among black children and tripled among American Indian children. Black and Hispanic children have eight times the risk of developing the disease compared with others. (more)

Parenting: Plan a vegetable garden with your children

The Oroville Mercury Register – Samantha O’Reilly

“Children who balk at the idea of eating a vegetable may be more likely to give it a try when they are the person who planted it, suggests an article for The article also states that math and science can be easily incorporated into gardening. Children can learn how the sun, fertilizer, worms and water all work together to help the plant grow. Kids can keep track of how many plants are growing and the amount of food it produces. (more)