Feb 13, 2018
Destiny Connect – Yamkela Mdaka
“When children are much younger, they’re often quite active. They’re usually climbing tress or jungle gyms and running all over the place. Sadly, this level of activity doesn’t last as other demands creep in and the environment they’re in no longer supports activity and play. (more)
Feb 13, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
“Watching too much television at age two can translate into poorer eating habits in adolescence and poorer performance in school, researchers at Université de Montréal’s School of Psychoeducation have found. In a new longitudinal study published in Preventive Medicine, graduate student Isabelle Simonato and her supervisor, Professor Linda Pagani, looked at a birth cohort of nearly two,000 Quebec boys and girls born between spring 1997 and 1998. (more)
Feb 12, 2018
The Hindustan Times – Staff Writer
“Turns out, before-school physical activity program helps improve body weight and overall wellness. According to a new Mass General Hospital for Children (MGHfC) report, children participating in a 12-week, before-school physical activity program, experienced improvement in body weight and social/emotional wellness, compared to their classmates who did not participate. A previous study said exercise could improve children’s memory. (more)
Feb 12, 2018
The Toronto Star – Cara Rosenbloom
“Finding health information online is easy. Cutting through the clutter and getting facts is very difficult. There’s a cacophony of voices, each saying something different. The confusion worsens when charlatans provide false hope and bad advice. But there is a glimmer of hope. Scientists and researchers are working to debunk the most egregious health myths and educate readers with evidence-based, factual information. Let’s call them skeptics, myth-busters or debunkers. In any case, this group is collectively using science to fight back against the pseudoscience (such as fad diets and quack cancer cures). What advice do they offer so we find better information online? I spoke to four myth-busters to find out. (more)
Feb 11, 2018
The U.S. News and World Report – Kadakkal Radhakrishnan, M.D.
“Iron is an important micronutrient in the human body and an essential nutrient for your little one’s development. That being said, an iron deficiency can have many implications on your children’s overall health and growth – and can even lead to anemia. So what is iron, exactly? Iron is an important component of hemoglobin that’s present in the red cells and actually gives blood its red color. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen from the lungs to the body. It’s also present in myoglobin in muscles, and it helps muscles both store and use oxygen. In addition, iron is present in the mitochondria – the power house of the cell – and helps generate ATP, the energy molecule in the body. If you aren’t getting enough iron, the tissues and organs won’t get the oxygen they need, and anemia may develop. (more)