Could postponing lunch for play help curb childhood obesity?

CBC – Staff Writer

Flipping the order of kids’ meal and play at their school lunch break is enough to make some forego junk food and eat less, a new study by Montreal researchers has found. The study, recently published in the journal Appetite, found that children in kindergarten who participated in vigorous exercise before they were given their lunch boxes chose healthy options over sweets and ate less, when compared to children who ate their meals before playing or had some downtime before their meal. (more)

5 of the best exercises to do with your kids

Net Doctor – Jenny Cook

We all know that parenting is a full-time job and that even a few minutes’ worth of ‘me time’ can be nigh-on impossible to achieve when you’ve got children. However, Keith McNiven – national wrestling champion and owner of Right Path Fitness – says that having kids doesn’t have to mean giving up on your fitness. Indeed, he suggests that exercising together could play an important role in strengthening the family bond. (more)

Too Much Technology: Children Growing Up with Weak Hands, Fingers

Healthline – Staff Writer

Smartphones and tablets are convenient babysitters and pacifiers for bored or crying children. But they may be preventing those children from developing the necessary hand strength to hold pencils, cut with scissors, and perform tasks children their same age could easily do just a decade ago. (more)

Britain’s health agency has put the country on a diet

CNN – Jacqui Thornton

The UK has become the first country to challenge the food industry to cut calories in everyday foods by a fifth in an attempt to halt the rising levels of obesity in adults and children. A report published Tuesday by Public Health England, an agency of the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care, shows that overweight or obese boys in England consume 500 excess calories every day. Girls in the same weight category overconsume by 290 calories per day. (more)

Children Are Consuming Up To 500 Excess Calories Per Day, Report Reveals

The Huffington Post – Rachel Moss

Children are consuming up to 500 calories more than is recommended per day, the equivalent of an extra meal, a new report warns. The data is part of Public Health England’s (PHE) latest report on obesity, which claims “too many children and most adults are overweight or obese, suffering consequences from bullying and low self-esteem in childhood, to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers as adults”. (more)