Jun 8, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
Schoolgirls can achieve lower blood pressure, stronger muscles, better balance and improved jumping performance if their school puts football training on the timetable—including girls who have never played football before. Using football as a form of exercise in Danish municipal primary and lower-secondary schools is a great idea. All children can benefit from the activity, including girls who are not used to exercise. This is the finding of a study of the FIFA 11 for Health in Europe exercise concept in Faroese schoolchildren carried out by football researchers at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics. (more)
Jun 7, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
Consuming excessive salt during childhood is associated with cardiovascular health risk factors, yet the effectiveness of education- and behavior-based strategies to lower salt usage among children has not been fully researched. A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior found that a web-based salt education program improved salt-related knowledge, self-efficacy, and behaviors among children ages 7-10 years. (more)
Jun 7, 2018
Medical X-Press – Clare Collins, Li Kheng Chai And Tracy Burrows
Eating habits develop in early childhood. Research shows eating patterns can continue into adolescence and then through to adulthood. In a new study, we compared what children aged two to three years ate with what their mothers ate. We also looked at what mothers ate during pregnancy to see which time point was more important for influencing a child’s diet. While what mums ate in pregnancy was related to their toddler’s food intake, the relationship was stronger with what mum was eating while the children were toddlers. (more)
Jun 6, 2018
Food Navigator – Mary Ellen Shoup
More than a quarter (27%) of toddlers and preschoolers aren’t eating a single serving of vegetables on a given day and of those who do, French fries are the most common vegetable consumed, according to the latest update to the Nestlé Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS). (more)
Jun 6, 2018
Click 2 Houston – Staff Writer
“More than 35 million kids play an organized sport in the United States, but did you know almost a third of kids that play a team sport get injured seriously enough to miss practice or games? April is National Youth Sports Safety Month. Here are some tips on how parents can keep their kids safe out on the field. (more)