What Causes Joint Pains in Children? Dr. Saad Saad Gives His Insight

Premier Gazette – Stephen Ray

If your child has complained about leg or joint pains, you may be concerned. Nearly one-third of school-aged children may have these types of pains says Dr. Saad Saad, a noted pediatric surgeon based in New Jersey. These symptoms usually get better on their own, and may be due solely to exercise and healthy playing. (more)

A new study suggest parents give picky eaters some space

News 8000 – Alex Fischer

Researchers followed almost 300 children from two to three years old for over a year and compared how much their parents pressured them to eat healthy foods. The results, published in a peer-reviewed journal, showed that parental pressure had no effect on the picky eating habits or the weight of children in the study. (more)

Develop a healthy back-to-school sleep schedule

The Cleveland Banner – Staff Writer

As summer winds down and school starts back up, one of the most important things for a child to do is develop a healthy sleep schedule. While parents may only need seven hours of sleep per night to function, it is recommended that elementary school aged children get nine to 11 hours of sleep per night. As during the summer months children’s bedtimes vary, experts say it’s important for children to get back into a sleep routine prior to the first day of school. (more)

How to speak to children about exercise

The National – Clare Dight

Every summer, that exercise in liking or loathing known as sports day comes around to mark the end of another school year. It represents an important opportunity for class athletes to shine, but for many students, if not most of them, the event is a reminder that they are not very good at sport. Worse, many decide that they don’t like sport. Hard as parents might try to make their children feel that taking part is enough, many children have decided by an alarmingly young age that if they’re not on the podium, then their sporting efforts don’t really count. (more)

Tips for the family on eating healthier

Auburn Journal – Staff Writer

This month, focus on healthful eating and active lifestyles for children and families. August is Kids Eat Right Month, an initiative sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Academy’s Foundation. Here are some steps to get started: (more)