The Key To Developing Healthy Eating Habits For Our Children

Food and Beverage Magazine – Staff Writer

Eating together as a family more regularly is a good way to bring up healthy-eating kids. The fact that you are all sitting down together for a meal will make meal times more of an occasion. This will help you to plan what your family is eating more carefully. And as soon as you start thinking about the food that you’re eating, you are taking the right steps to get your children to eat healthy. (more)

5 inventive (and healthy) recipes your kids will love

The Atlanta Journal Constitution – Rose Kennedy

Whether a picky eater is making mealtime topsy-turvy or you just want to spend some extra time with the kids, cooking together is a great idea. “Children are more likely to eat their own creations, so, when appropriate, let your picky eater help prepare the food,” suggested Ask Dr. Sears. “Give your assistant jobs such as tearing and washing lettuce, scrubbing potatoes or stirring batter. Put pancake batter in a squeeze bottle and let your child supervise as you squeeze the batter onto the hot griddle in fun shapes, such as hearts, numbers or letters.” (more)