Help your kids learn to love veggies

The Kingsport Times-News – Elizabeth Hall

August is Kids Eat Right Month! This is the perfect time to focus on incorporating more healthy foods into your child’s meal patterns, including fruits and vegetables. (more)

Play safe and minimize injuries on the playground

Biospace – Staff Writer

Playgrounds are a fun place for kids to let loose and get their daily dose of exercise. Exercise is essential to a child’s development as it helps them maintain a healthy body weight and build strong bones and muscles. However, if playground equipment is not properly used and maintained, injuries can occur. (more)

Dietitian gives tips for packing a healthy school lunch

WSAV3 – Danni Dikes

Many parents rely on free or reduced lunches in schools for their children, but for parents who pack their own kids’ lunches, coming up with healthy food choices can be stressful. While we’ve all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for the seven or eight hours kids are in school it’s their lunch that keeps them powered throughout the day. (more)

Research suggests pressuring kids to eat food they don’t like doesn’t stop picky eating

Global News – Laurel Gregory

New research suggests battling your picky eater may be a fruitless fight for parents. University of Michigan researchers analyzed toddlers over the course of a year and found their weight was stable on the growth chart whether they were picky eaters or not. Picky eating was also constant, regardless of how much parents pressured their children to eat. (more)

Raising children who know how to eat

The Sarasota Herald Tribune – Casey Seidenberg

Feeding children can be a roller-coaster ride. Some days, children cruise along, eating most of what you serve. Then without warning, they take a dive and consume very little. This lasts just as long as you can cope, then they rise through a growth spurt to empty the refrigerator daily. (more)