Oct 26, 2018
KSL – Rose Mattson
Halloween is almost here. The days are getting colder, the leaves are falling and the excitement is building. As a kid, I remember planning out the perfect costume a month prior, scouting the best places (i.e. the most candy) to trick-or-treat at, and making sure my basket was large enough to fit the most candy possible. It’s an exciting time to be a kid. (more)
Oct 26, 2018
Education Dive – Lucy Hood
Nearly one out of every six young people in the U.S. is obese, and if current trends continue, more than half of today’s children will be obese by the age of 35. These are among the findings published in a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. These youngsters, the report says, face increased chances of having diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. (more)
Oct 25, 2018
KGWN – Staff Writer
We all have to learn to calm ourselves down when we get angry or upset, but children don’t always learn exactly what we intend for them to learn. (more)
Oct 25, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
One in six American kids struggles with obesity, and minorities struggle the most, a new report shows. “Childhood obesity continues to be a major public health challenge, with significant financial and societal implications,” said Jamie Bussel. She is senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which conducted the study. (more)
Oct 24, 2018
The Daily Mail – Mary Kekatos
A healthy home environment could cut a child’s genetic risk for obesity by half, a new study has found. Genetics put some people at greater risk of obesity than others, and, because fraternal twins share 50 percent of their genes and identical twins share 100 percent of their DNA, their inherited risks should be similar. (more)