Oct 9, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
Toddlers with asthma are more likely to become obese children, according to an international study led by USC scientists. The finding is a turnabout for children’s health as obesity has often been seen as a precursor to asthma in children, not the other way around. The study, conducted by a team of 40 scientists including researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, was recently published in the European Respiratory Journal. (more)
Oct 9, 2018
Medical X-Press – Brendan M. Lynch
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five US school-age children and young people ages 6 to 19 years suffers from obesity, a tripling of such numbers since the 1970s. For individual children, genetics, eating and exercise all play a role in weight status—but the influence of a community’s design, programs and policies on childhood obesity hasn’t been comprehensively understood. (more)
Oct 8, 2018
Ladders – Julia Savacool
Your toddler still can’t do much by himself — tie his own shoes or make himself breakfast. But there are actually quite a few things two-year-olds can do for themselves, and it’s important that they begin to take ownership of these tasks — however small — as it helps them understand the importance of being independent. (more)
Oct 8, 2018
CBS 8 – Jayne O’Donnell
The 10-year-old girl suffered from persistent asthma, but the cause was unclear. Tests ruled out everything from pet hair to cockroaches. Then the girl’s mother thought of a possible trigger. “Her asthma does seem to get worse whenever her dad punches a hole in the wall,” she told Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. “Do you think that could be related?’ (more)
Oct 7, 2018
Z Living – Siya Rajan
As you’re doing your best to encourage your child to sign up for sports teams and incorporate a lot of movement during their free time, strength training exercises are at the top of the list when it comes to helping your child lose weight and prevent obesity. (more)