Asthma may contribute to childhood obesity epidemic

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Toddlers with asthma are more likely to become obese children, according to an international study led by USC scientists. The finding is a turnabout for children’s health as obesity has often been seen as a precursor to asthma in children, not the other way around. The study, conducted by a team of 40 scientists including researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, was recently published in the European Respiratory Journal. (more)

Study of community efforts to combat childhood obesity, a key risk factor for later chronic disease

Medical X-Press – Brendan M. Lynch

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five US school-age children and young people ages 6 to 19 years suffers from obesity, a tripling of such numbers since the 1970s. For individual children, genetics, eating and exercise all play a role in weight status—but the influence of a community’s design, programs and policies on childhood obesity hasn’t been comprehensively understood. (more)

15 real ways to make your kid feel independent

Ladders – Julia Savacool

Your toddler still can’t do much by himself — tie his own shoes or make himself breakfast. But there are actually quite a few things two-year-olds can do for themselves, and it’s important that they begin to take ownership of these tasks — however small — as it helps them understand the importance of being independent. (more)

‘Toxic stress’ on children can harm their lifelong learning, mental and physical health

CBS 8 – Jayne O’Donnell

The 10-year-old girl suffered from persistent asthma, but the cause was unclear. Tests ruled out everything from pet hair to cockroaches. Then the girl’s mother thought of a possible trigger. “Her asthma does seem to get worse whenever her dad punches a hole in the wall,” she told Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. “Do you think that could be related?’ (more)