Nov 30, 2018
Food Navigator – Mary Ellen Shoup
Children’s dietary patterns are strongly established by age two once the child is introduced to solid foods, so how can parents make the most of that crucial and brief time period to make sure their children are introduced to the right foods? (more)
Nov 30, 2018
Medical X-Press – Amanda Skofstad
While a growing body of research suggests that small changes to a school environment can help reduce childhood obesity and improve nutrition, 80 percent of school-aged children still fall short of national dietary guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake. (more)
Nov 29, 2018
North Jersey – Jackie Goldschneider
“Around 10 to 12 years old is when we see (angry outbursts) generally start, and that’s in line with when puberty starts,” said Dr. Stacey Cohen-Meissner, a Tenafly-based child and adult psychologist who counsels many teens and tweens. Meissner explained that a child’s anger is not necessarily caused by the hormones directly associated with puberty, but rather the brain changes that are triggered when these hormones start to be released. (more)
Nov 29, 2018
Science Daily – Staff Writer
Children who are genetically predisposed to overweight, due to common gene variants, can still lose weight by changing their diet and exercise habits. Around 750 children and adolescents with overweight or obesity undergoing lifestyle intervention participated in the study conducted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Holbæk Hospital. (more)
Nov 28, 2018
Medical X-Press – Staff Writer
The prevalence of eating disorders among 9- to 10-year-olds in the United States is 1.4 percent, with no difference in prevalence between boys and girls, according to a research letter published online Nov. 26 in JAMA Pediatrics. (more)