Expert-Recommended Tips To Improve Your Child’s Nutrition In 2019

NDTV – Staff Writer

New Year 2019 is only a few hours away and we are trying to our best to spread awareness about ways to have a happy and healthy 2019. In this article we will talk about child’s nutrition and some effective tips to encourage your child to eat clean and healthy. This year, celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar also released a book on child’s nutrition, thus raising awareness about its relevance in the present times. Also in the bandwagon is lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho, who talks about how difficult it is to get to children to eat the right foods. In a blog post on his website, he talks about some nutrition goals for your child in 2019, which can help him/her have a fit and healthy future.

Want Your Kid To Eat More Veggies? New Study Says Letting Them Help With This Task Could Do The Trick

Romper – Vanessa Taylor

The battle to get kids to eat their vegetables is one that should go in the history books. You have a little more control when your kid is home at the dinner table, but what about when you send lunches with them to school? Having kids return with everything eaten but their vegetables can be frustrating. If you want your kid to eat more veggies, a new study says letting them help with the task can do the trick.

Children with poor diet drink alcohol more often in adolescence

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Children with unhealthy eating habits are at a higher risk of becoming regular alcohol drinkers at too early an age, even in their early teens, a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition shows. The association with young teens’ drinking habits is stronger than with other factors, such as parents’ education and income.