Feb 11, 2019
KERA – Sam Baker
The U.S. Health and Human Services Department has released a new set of exercise guidelines. It reflects the agency’s new way of thinking about exercise. Most Americans didn’t meet the recommendations in 2008 for the amount of time HHS said you should spend exercising. https://www.keranews.org/post/latest-federal-guidelines-reflect-new-thinking-about-exercise
Feb 10, 2019
Psychology Today – Alison Escalante, M.D.
Lately I’ve been asking myself, “How can I teach my kids to be generous?” I started to consider practical steps, and then realized I had forgotten a more important question. The first question I need to ask as a parent is about me, “How can you be generous to others?” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shouldstorm/201902/how-do-you-teach-kids-about-giving
Feb 10, 2019
Lancaster Online – Dr. Pia Fenimore
Pediatricians are seeing epidemic-level numbers of children and teens with anxiety disorders and physical problems related to anxiety. I currently estimate that more than 25 percent of the problems I discuss with parents and children in a day are stress-related. Anxiety presents in so many ways in kids: school avoidance, sleep problems, headaches, panic attacks, depressed mood and stomach pains are only a few ways that kids can show their stress. https://lancasteronline.com/opinion/columnists/children-need-time-most-of-all-to-build-resilience/article_a75111d4-2b10-11e9-be2c-c371d9b5f2a8.html
Feb 9, 2019
Baby Gaga – Amanda Ferris
The toddler years are a period of many changes, but some parents are either often reluctant to make the necessary changes that their two year old needs or don’t realize that their son or daughter needs a new item ASAP. https://www.babygaga.com/20-things-moms-keep-forgetting-to-change-when-baby-turns-24-months/
Feb 9, 2019
BBC – Staff Writer
Everyone knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle for children; eating well, doing enough daily exercise- that kind of thing. But sometimes we forget that a healthy mind is as equally important as eating that broccoli at dinner. https://www.bbc.com/sport/supermovers/47134988