What can trigger ADHD?

Medical News Today – Timothy J. Legg

People with ADHD may experience a range of cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Common examples include hyperactivity, difficulty paying attention, and an inability to control impulsive behaviors. In this article, we outline the various triggers and provide tips on how to manage or avoid them.


Child Obesity Could Be Linked to Everyday Chemicals in Plastics, New Study Finds

Interesting Engineering – Fabian Lang

Many plastic encasings and canned tins that we use on a daily basis could be factors in child obesity, as per a new study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society on Thursday. The reason for their weight gain? The chemicals that are used in making these plastics and cans. 


Recognizing Dad power, and how to harness it

The Houston Chronicle – Michael Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz

Dad’s have some awesome powers that we think should get daily attention. New research shows just how influential your choices are in determining the health and happiness of your future children. It’s easy to comprehend that a woman’s lifestyle choices directly affect conception, the health of a fetus and the growing child. But our expanding knowledge of how everyday habits can turn genes on and off (for better and worse) and how those changes can be inherited by subsequent generations shines the spotlight on Dad’s lifestyle choices.


Public health: An intern’ insight on childhood obesity

The Laurinburg Exchange – Sydney Faulk

My internship with Scotland County Health Department has provided me with the chance to make a difference for some of the children in our home town. My major project focused on developing a strategic plan to implement a creative approach to healthy eating and physical activity. This involved educating our youth with valuable knowledge, materials, and motivation they need to live a healthier life through better eating habits and increased physical activities.


Team Sports Teach Life Lessons

VOA – Staff Writers

On a bright summer morning, many young swimmers gather at a local swimming pool in the state of Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. They are members of a competitive summer swim team. As they practice their strokes and cut seconds off of their times, they are getting lots of physical exercise and vitamin D from the sun. However, the benefits of belonging to a sports team are not just health-related. Team sports also help to build many life skills.
