What Are The Best Chores For Your Kids?

Moms – Mandi Em

As many parents know, running a household with kids is a lot of work. There seems to be an endless list of chores and things to do to keep your place clean, and running smoothly. Although your children tend to be more the mess-makers than the cleaner-uppers, there is actually a benefit to getting them involved with doing chores. Even at an early age, you can see the natural interest that kids can take when it comes to helping out. It is a great idea to jump on this by giving them some simple, age-appropriate chores. Ultimately, this will benefit the, in the long run.


Dr. Wood: Put vaccinations and other healthy efforts on your back-to-school to-do list

The Olympian – Dr. Rachel Wood

August is the beginning of “back to school” season. As September draws near, parents throughout Thurston County begin checking off their to-do lists to prepare kids for a new school year. Because of the use of vaccinations and antibiotics, as well as food safety and improved nutrition, students today are much less likely to get diseases that could be fatal.


Safety Rules Parents Need To Teach Their Kids About Washing Machines

Moms – Kelli Catana

After a three-year-old boy tragically died recently after becoming trapped inside a front-loading washing machine, parents are being urged to not only enlist a number of safety precautions to keep little ones in their homes safe but to also teach their children about safety rules when it comes to the washing machine. Children are curious by nature and it’s amazing when kids want to know about appliances like the washer and dryer, but in order to try to prevent any further accidents, parents are being urged to teach their children safety rules about all major household appliances.


Police Issue Warning To Parents About These 15 Smartphone Apps

Moms – Kelli Catana

It can be hard parenting tweens and teens, especially in this age of social media and smartphones. Kids have access to so much more than their parents did, so it’s important that all parents educate themselves as much as possible about all the different apps their kids are using. With a new school year upon us, police are warning parents about 15 different smartphone apps that could be red flags if you find them on your child’s phone.
