How to talk to your kids about weight

NBC News – Samantha Cassetty, RD

One in five American children is considered obese, according to data from the CDC, but weight loss in kids is a touchy subject. Just recently, WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) came under attack after launching an app aimed at helping kids lose weight. Reaction on social media was fierce with many dietitians expressing outrage and concern that the tracking system could lead to an unhealthy fixation on food and body image, and ultimately an eating disorder, which can be life-threatening. Their concern isn’t totally misguided. An American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Report suggests that among children, dieting with the goal of losing weight is a risk factor for both obesity and eating disorders. One study found that girls who weren’t obese who dieted in the 9th grade were three times more likely to be overweight in 12th grade compared to girls who didn’t diet. The case against dieting among kids is so strong that the AAP says it’s counterproductive to managing weight.

How Much Exercise Does A Child Needs To Stay Fit?

The International Business Times – Llin Mathew

Most parents are unaware about the amount of time their children needs to spend on physical activities for staying healthy, a research revealed. The survey conducted by YouGov focussed on 2,000 adults. It found that over two-third of the participants did not have any idea about the amount of exercise their kids need to do for leading a healthy lifestyle. The research that was done for the Youth Sport Trust (YST) revealed that only less than a quarter of participants knew the National Health Service (NHS) recommendation to exercise for an hour a day to stay fit. Average number of participants thought that children between the age group of five to 18 do not need to spend more than 46 minutes on physical activities.

Add these nutrients to your kid’s diet for strong bones

The Times of India – Staff Writer

As a parent it is natural for you to be concerned for you child’s physical and mental well being. While doing so, you cannot afford to miss out on your their bone heath as bones help in giving strength and protecting vital organs and provide structural support to the body.

Barely any UK teens meeting exercise and screen time guidelines

The Guardian – Nicola Davis

Less than 10% of British teenagers meet the recommended guidelines for sleep, exercise and screen time, research has revealed. According to 24-hour movement guidelines developed by Canadian researchers, children aged between five and 17 should spend an hour a day doing moderate to vigorous exercise, no more than two hours a day in front of a screen, and get at least eight hours’ sleep a night.

How parents and caregivers can help keep children with autism safe

The Conversation – Kendra Thomson

Children with ASD are particularly prone to poisoning, suffocation and wandering that can lead to death by drowning or vehicular accident.Preventable injuries are the leading cause of death for Canadians under the age of 45. Unfortunately, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two to three times more likely to experience a preventable injury than those without. They often need systematic training to learn safety skills. And they need explicit instruction — to increase the likelihood of using these skills effectively in different settings and with different people.