Eating Fast Food Contributes To Teen Depression, According To New Study

Moms – Elisha Cinelli

Teenagers are suffering from psychiatric problems in growing numbers. Our kids are facing increased depression, psychological distress, and suicidal thoughts. Children as young as 12 have seen a 52% increase of major depressive episodes among kids over the last twelve years. Teens and young adults over age 17 saw a 63% increase.

Family fitness: How to workout with your children during the summer hols

The Irish News – Claire Spreadbury

FITTING exercise into a busy family set up is tough enough. But once summer lands, our social lives start sizzling, childcare can become tricky, and any weekly classes or morning workouts seem much harder to achieve. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Being a fit family has actually never been more important. Following a survey which found a third of children are currently participating in fewer than 30 minutes of exercise a day, the British government has unveiled its School Sport and Activity Action Plan.

10 Rules Every Mom Should Have Before Giving A Kid A Phone

Moms – Joanna Mazewski

For a lot of parents, one of the biggest decisions they make is whether or not to buy a cell phone for their tween child. After all, there are many pros and cons that come with giving a child their first cell phone. On one hand, you can communicate with them and make sure they are at all times. On the other hand though, it might become a huge problem and a distraction with the tween can’t put the phone down at home, at school or even during dinner time. Thankfully, there are some rules that parents can set before giving their tween their first phone.

As with adults, there’s no easy way to address weight with children

The Los Angeles Times – Staff Writer

Obesity is a growing public health issue that nobody is sure how to fix, and around 1 in 5 children in the U.S. is considered obese, up from 1 in 7 in 2000. Childhood obesity often leads to adult obesity, and to higher risk for conditions including heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

How To Store Dangerous Household Products When You Have Kids To Worry About

Moms – Mandi Em

As parents, we all want to keep our kids as safe as possible, however no matter how much we try there are often hazards lurking everywhere in the home. One of the many common hazards in the home comes in the form of household products. Many household products, including cleaning supplies, and other items (like sharps, cosmetics, flammables, and garden supplies) often contain agents that can be toxic to humans, and as such it is imperative that we keep them stored in a safe place to help protect our kids from harm.