Pure fruit juice: healthy, or not?

The Conversation – David Benton and Hayley Young

Fruit juice was once viewed as part of a healthy diet, but today it is often seen as supplying little more than a high dose of sugar. Increasingly, fruit juices are seen as junk foods, and consumption is falling. But, as we argue in our recently published paper, fruit juice should not be cut from our diets. Major reasons for not consuming fruit are that it involves effort and it is often inconvenient. But fruit juice avoids the problems of intact fruit while providing the same range of health-promoting chemicals.


Vaping: As an imaging scientist I fear the deadly impact on people’s lungs

The Conversation – Grace Parraga, Ph.D.

Vaping causes severe illness in otherwise healthy young adults and teenagers. It causes a life-threatening, life-shortening and sometimes deadly lung toxicity and injury — with apparently irreversible damage that cannot be cured. A recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine on 53 confirmed cases of young e-cigarette users hospitalized with severe lung toxicity and injury clearly shows that this is the case. The average age of these patients was 19.


10 Tips To Set Up A Routine For Your Toddler

Moms – Bipasha Bhatia

A routine is a crucial part of the day for a growing child, whether at home or school. Routines can be grouped into three main categories: everyday activities (meal times, coming and going, sleeping), regular events (family outings), and personal care routines. The latter is necessary for children that are young because they can’t take care of themselves just yet. These activities include cleaning, eating, and changing diapers.


How To Throw A Zero Waste Birthday Party For Your Kid

Moms – Kate Prince

Throwing a party can be exciting, full of lots of planning, decoration buying, and drink making. However, it can also be hugely detrimental to the environment. Plastic bunting, plastic cups, and everything in between can easily end up in a landfill if not recycled properly. Zero waste parties are on the rise, but it can sound like a daunting prospect when you’ve got 30 kids to entertain and feed. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds though. Here are a few tips to keep your child (and mother nature) happy as can be.


Four reasons to focus on family health and fitness

Medical X-Press – Scott Gilbert

“Exercise has health benefits for all ages,” said Dr. Lindsay Lafferty, a family medicine and sports medicine physician at Penn State Health Medical Group ― Lime Spring in Lancaster. “For older adults, exercise prevents falls and helps maintain independent living. For children, it increases socialization and self-esteem. And for everyone, it improves cognition, wards off anxiety and depression, and improves sleep.”
