Nov 30, 2019
Moms – Diane Mtetwa
Tooth decay can happen when the enamel of your tooth gets destroyed. If a tooth experiences enough decay, it can lead to cavities, which can be painful and then need to be treated. Cavities are something that many adults dread, but as a parent, taking your child to the dentist for a sore tooth may seem like an awful fate; one that you hope can be alleviated seamlessly. A major dental trial, conducted recently, looked at a variety of ways which tooth decay can be treated and you may not be surprised by their findings.
Nov 30, 2019
Moms – Deb Gonclaves
Dinner time is important and we all know that. We might be bombarded with other things that need our attention, but deep down we know sitting down together and enjoying a meal, is needed to feel a sense of closeness with those we cherish. This is the moment we sit in a common place, such as the dinner table, and genuinely listen and get nourished. There are several ways we get nourished during this time spent together. For one, we nourish our bodies with food after working hard. Second, we nourish our mental and emotional states by getting a healthy dose of security and stability. What does this mean, though? Well, in my experience, mentally we are able to finally relax after a long day and express what we have on our mind, because no one is going anywhere when they have a plate of food in front of them. Emotionally, we get nourished by lending our ears, to listen to someone else’s perspective and our hearts to connect with another human on a deeper level.
Nov 29, 2019
Study Finds – John Anderer
It’s hard for most of us to remember our preschool days at all, let alone recount how physically active we may have been. Of course, fitness isn’t exactly a top priority among parents, teachers, and kids alike in these early days of childhood. However, according to a recent study, perhaps it should begin to be considered more seriously. Researchers from McMaster University say that physical activity during very early childhood may impact heart and cardiovascular health decades down the line. After tracking hundreds of preschoolers’ fitness levels over multiple years, they found that physical activity in kids as young as three years old can improve blood vessel functioning, cardiovascular health, and prevent early indicators of heart disease later in adulthood.
Nov 29, 2019
Moms – Jayme Kennedy
Flu season is always a stressful time of year, particularly for parents! We want to do all we can to keep our kids healthy this time of year, but with school and activities, it can be hard. But for parents of kids with asthma, flu season can be downright scary. Asthma can complicate even the common cold, and when it comes to the flu (which is already a serious illness), complications can arise quickly. Children with asthma are at an especially high risk of developing serious flu complications, which makes this a very worrisome time of year for parents of kids with asthma. Here’s what you need to know about flu and asthma, and how you can better protect your kids with asthma during flu season.
Nov 27, 2019
Forbes – Dennis Jaffe
These are difficult and challenging times, especially for young people who have many reasons to feel concerned as they look to the future. On an almost daily basis, they are bombarded with reports and forecasts of climate disasters, facts about income and justice inequality and encounters with homelessness, poverty, violence and mental illness. And as they look into their personal future, they worry about paying for health care and having good options for education of their children.