Dec 31, 2019
Medical X-Press – Len Canter
Obesity now affects as many as 20% of the nation’s children. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reviewed the literature on kids between 2 and 18 years of age and now recommends that kids over 6 be screened using a measure of body fat based on height and weight called Body Mass Index (BMI). The Task Force also recommends intensive behavioral therapy for those kids who are obese. Behavioral therapy was shown to reduce blood pressure, although it did not show any reduction in cholesterol.
Dec 31, 2019
Moms – Diane Mtetwa
As the weather starts to cool, parents of small ones everywhere start to get anxious as they wonder what they’ll do with their stir crazy kids when the temperatures drop dramatically. There are some activities that you can line up to help get you through the long and cold winter months like play dates and classes, but at some point in time your child will want to venture outside and play.
Dec 30, 2019
St. George Spectrum & Daily News – Kaitlyn Bancroft
If movies are looking fuzzy or you’re squinting to see whiteboards, you might have myopia (nearsightedness). And you’re not alone: Nearly 40 percent of Americans have myopia, up 25 percent from just 40 years ago, according to the American Optometric Association. The condition is managed with corrective lenses like glasses or contacts, or with refractive surgery.
Dec 30, 2019
Baby Gaga – Heather Djunga
Mindful parenting means deliberately paying attention to what matters most in life and teaching your child to do the same. When it comes to nurturing a love for nature in your child, the same applies. This means honoring nature and making a deliberate effort to go outdoors and appreciate its beauty. It also means teaching your child to respect and honor pets, and incorporating time with animals and nature in one’s monthly diary and family holiday programs.
Dec 29, 2019
The Week – Claire Gillespie
It’s no big secret that a lot of kids don’t like vegetables. Or they think they don’t like them, because they don’t really know — they won’t try them. Another non-secret is that one of the most exhausting aspects of parenting is arguing with your kids about the fact that they don’t eat their vegetables. Tantrums, tears, and monumental battles of wills do not make for a happy family dinner table.