Take small bites toward better nutrition

Medical X-Press – Paul Schattenberg

Good nutrition doesn’t have to be difficult or restrictive, and achieving good eating habits can be done bit by bit or, more accurately, bite by bite, said Jenna Anding, Ph.D., a registered dietician nutritionist with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. “March is National Nutrition Month, which is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This year’s theme, “Eat Right, Bite by Bite,” emphasizes that making small changes can have a positive impact on our diets and our health,” said Anding.


How much food should my child be eating? And how can I get them to eat more healthily?

The Conversation – Clare Collins, Kireth Duncanson, and Tracy Burrows

So children end up eating more junk foods and fewer fruits and vegetables than recommended. A 2011-12 survey of two to 18 year olds found 38% of children’s average total energy intake came from junk foods. Cakes, muffins, slices, biscuits, chips, packet snacks, processed meats and sugary drinks were the main contributors.


The Finnish trick for getting children to eat enough vegetables and fruit

News Now Finland – Staff Writer

Researchers found that a positive example from mothers was important to encourage children to eat more raw or cooked vegetables or fruit and berries. However, a positive example from fathers was most important when it came to eating veggies. “This shows that teaching children to eat their greens is not something mothers should be doing alone. A positive example set by both parents is important, as is their encouragement of the child” explains Kaisa Kähkönen, a Researcher and Nutritionist from the University of Eastern Finland.


How to Exercise With Your Kids – Best Tips for Busy Moms

Viva Glam Magazine – Megan Taylor

If you are one of the many women who are trying to balance motherhood, career, and personal development, you know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Some days, dreaming of a workout routine and a fit body looks like an impossible task. Time just never seems to be enough for everything you have to do on a daily basis and you end up leaving yourself and your fitness as the last priority.
