Lockdown: how to stay fit at home

The Conversation – Adam Hawkey

Research shows that being sedentary is bad for your physical and mental health, so staying active during this difficult time is important. Being physically active helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol and can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It also helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, reducing the risk of developing sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) and osteoporosis (loss of bone density).

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Combating stress and anxiety in family life during COVID-19

Medical -X-Press – Kimberly Allen

Work as usual? Probably not. This is a whole new time and we are all working toward a new normal. When asking others how to describe these times, I hear things like “stressful,” “difficult,” “frustrating”—all forms of stress.

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Kids need calm, not chaos, during COVID-19

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Elbow bumps in lieu of high-fives, segregated lunchtimes and hyper hand hygiene—they’re are all a part of our children’s new reality in response to Covid-19. But while kids are seemingly adapting well to the changes, University of South Australia child development experts say adults need to be increasingly mindful of their own reactions to the pandemic and take care when explaining the situation to children.

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