Apr 18, 2020
Romper – Ashley Ziegler
With everyone stuck inside these days, there’s probably a little more home upkeep needed than usual. That’s okay, though, because you can take this opportunity to teach your kids a thing or two about the tasks that make a house run. Since everybody is also a little extra bored lately, now is the best time to start a chore chart for your family.
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Apr 17, 2020
The Conversation – Leslie E. Roos and Jessica Flannery
Parenting can be tough at the best of times, but family life has changed dramatically during social isolation that’s been mandated by COVID-19. The good news is that children thrive in an incredible variety of settings. Emerging evidence suggests that a little stress, particular in the context of a supportive parent-child relationship, can actually be beneficial because it builds resilience when taking on future challenges.
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Apr 17, 2020
Romper – Ashley Jones
When school is out, your kids need something to keep them from going too stir crazy at home. The dog days of summer are long, and if you want your kids to stay out of your hair, you need a plan. These 20 summer activities for kids at home can help pass the time and stave off the inevitable cry of “I’m so bored” from kids who claim they have nothing to do all day.
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Apr 16, 2020
Romper – Cat Bowen
None of us have gone through anything like this quarantine. The impact and effects of COVID-19 are unlike anything we’ve seen before, and we don’t have language for it. For parents, it’s especially difficult. What should we be calling the quarantine to our kids? Is there a specific phrase we should use to explain social distancing to kids?
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Apr 16, 2020
The Conversation – Paul Sahlberg and Adrian Piccoli
Teachers say most students have lost the ability to focus, are less empathetic and spend less time on physical activity. These are some of the results from our Growing Up Digital Australia study, in which we surveyed almost 2,000 teachers and school leaders across Australia. We asked them how students from primary school to year 12 have changed in the last five years, and what might explain these changes. Nearly four out of five teachers said they saw a decrease in students’ ability to focus on learning tasks, 80% saw a decline in students’ empathy and 60% observed students spending less time on physical activity.
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