Jul 29, 2020
Moms – Kelli Catana
The coronavirus health pandemic has had a huge impact on the lives of children across the country, including both their physical and mental health. Millions of children who participate in sporting activities have seen their seasons and cancelled outright or altered in some way to try to keep everyone who is participating healthy. While some outdoor sports have returned in a modified, socially distanced way, other sports are still being put on hold. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released their own guidelines on a safe return to kids’ sports.
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Jul 28, 2020
The Conversation – Kathryn Moffett-Bradford, Martin Weisse, and Shipra Gupta
We are three pediatric infectious disease specialists who live and work in West Virginia. The West Virginia University health system serves 400,000 children and according to our internal data, to date, 2,520 children up to 17 years of age have been tested for the coronavirus. Sixty-seven of them tested positive and one became sick enough to be admitted to the hospital.
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Jul 28, 2020
Moms – Simon Books
When babies are born, their feet look flat because the feet have not developed an arch yet. However, sometimes arches fail to develop over time and a child’s feet may not have typical arches. By definition, a flatfoot, fallen arches, or pes planus, is foot irregularity that has the entire sole of your child’s foot touching, or almost touching the ground when standing upright. According to the Advanced Foot and Ankle Care Centers (AFACC), flat feet can simply advance over time, or be passed down as a genetic trait.
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Jul 27, 2020
Moms – Simon Books
Quite understandably, bringing up kids is nerve-racking enough without adding the stress of when you should put your kid to bed. Besides, families nowadays have modern routines that have their days fully occupied with tasks and activities So, many times having kids hit the sack no later than 7 or 8 pm seems quite impractical.
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Jul 27, 2020
Moms – Ashley Connell
Unfortunately, when it comes to feeling left out, we’ve all been there at one time or another. If you’re a mother, it can be such a difficult thing to watch you’re child feel left out. It can affect everything from their self esteem to how they go about making friends and even if they come to you at home with their problems. Unfortunately, feeling left out and excluded is still very likely to happen to them as they grow up.
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