How To Keep Kids Safe At The Beach During The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic

Romper – Lindsay E. Mack

There’s no ignoring COVID-19 this year, but you and the family can still enjoy some typical summertime activities. It just takes a little planning extra. Here are a few tips to keep kids safe at the beach during the coronavirus pandemic. Even though trips to the beach may look a little different during 2020, you and the family can still have a fun time building sandcastles and playing in the waves.

CDC Warns Of Seasonal Outbreak Of Polio-Like Illness Among Kids

The Huffington Post – Nina Golgowski

Federal health officials are asking parents and health care workers to be on the lookout for symptoms of a mysterious paralyzing illness among children ahead of an anticipated seasonal outbreak over the next several months. The polio-like illness is called acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, and tends to peak every other year in the U.S. The last surge in cases was in 2018 when a record 238 cases were reported in 42 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Research shows importance of honesty, empathy for relating to children

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

When 11-year-old Oscar told his mum, Dr. Emma Maynard, that “grown-ups don’t always get it right, you know” the statement struck a chord with the Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Portsmouth. Dr. Maynard and colleagues Sarah Barton and Kayleigh Rivett asked Oscar and some friends to create a series of interview questions they could ask each other, about their views on adult knowledge and decision making—the first time this is thought to have been done for a peer reviewed research paper.

How to Make the End of Summer Better and Safer for Kids

The Cleveland Clinic – Staff Writer

The running joke has always been how kids these days will never know how rough we had it. But honestly, kids are dealing with something that most of us have never dealt with right now. Walking uphill six miles in the snow or life without the internet doesn’t compare to the stress and uncertainty that come along with a pandemic. The least we can do is try to understand what they’re going through and help them cope during these chaotic times.