September, 2020 - Healthy Kids Blog - Page 11

Helping kids with Covid anxiety as they return to school

North Central PA – Staff Writer

Children adapt easily in most cases, however parents should always monitor and keep a tab on how they are feeling. Prioritizing making your child feel heard, safe and loved right now can really go a long way. Accidents at night or during the daytime, changes in appetite and sleep habits, whining, demands for more hugs and clinginess are all behaviors your child might display when things don’t seem right or okay to them. Reminding your child that you’re there to protect them and showing them things they can do to help — like handwashing — can help provide the reassurance they need.

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Guest op-ed: 3 key ways to support children during an atypical back-to-school season

The Standard Examiner – Suzanne Wilson

Going back to school after summer break can be a difficult transition during non-pandemic years. This back-to-school season, however, is unlike any we have ever faced. Due to COVID-19, we are beginning the school year either partially or completely online. This is especially difficult because at any given moment, based on case counts and many other factors out of our control, the current plans could change.

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Professional Chefs Share Their Favorite Back To School Recipes

Forbes – Abigail Abesamis

While this back to school season looks and feels different than most in light of the global pandemic, quick, simple and (most importantly) delicious recipes are always a must. Whether your kids are headed back to the classroom or continuing with virtual learning at home, the recipes below are great to have in your back pocket for everything from make-ahead breakfast to weekday dinners.

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Teens who think their parents are loving are less likely to be cyberbullies

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Adolescents who perceive their parents to be loving and supportive are less likely to engage in cyberbullying, according to a new study by researchers at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. The findings, published in the International Journal of Bullying Prevention, are especially relevant given changes in family life created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Can Kids Get Kidney Stones? Doctors Explain

Romper – Cat Bowen

If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of passing a kidney stone, you are already familiar with the nauseating, extreme pain that they cause. If you’re a parent, you also might be wondering if your child could suffer the same fate every time they complain about their back hurting. But can kids get kidney stones or is it just for us grown-ups?

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