Jan 31, 2021
Champions Newspapers – Staff Writer
Getting kids to be more active may be especially difficult for today’s parents, who must contend with the internet, social media, tablets, smartphones, and other distractions as they try to encourage their kids to unplug and spend more time being physically active.
Read More: https://www.championnewspapers.com/special_section/article_cf752000-6250-11eb-af55-4b62f050afff.html
Jan 31, 2021
Medical X-Press – Tate Gunnerson
New federal dietary guidelines encourage Americans to focus more on eating healthy throughout life, to be flexible in their eating patterns and to cut down on empty calories.
Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-01-nutrition-experts-federal-dietary-guidelines.html
Jan 30, 2021
Moms – Larissa Marulli
Any parent would agree that it’s important to teach basic hygiene skills to their kids. None of us want a child with bad hygiene habits and these are better established early. Making them routine will be beneficial for all involved. Having good hygiene not only keeps your kids clean and healthy but the benefits can spill over to other parts of their life.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/basic-hygiene-skills-kids/
Jan 30, 2021
Moms – Jennifer Passmore
Children are just like little adults, they need certain things in order to be the best version of themselves that they can be. As their parents, it is up to us in order to maintain their physical and emotional health and care. We have to look after their wellbeing and make sure that their emotional and physical health are taken care of. Here are just some of the things that children need to maintain their health.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/maintaining-children-health-tips/
Jan 29, 2021
The Conversation – Marie-Claude Geoffroy and Anthony Gifuni
As researchers concerned with suicide prevention in youth, we sometimes hear people express sentiments like these about young people in the pandemic. But socialization is an important part of growing up. As much as COVID-19 has affected adults, it may affect children and teens even more.
Read More: https://theconversation.com/teen-suicide-prevention-during-covid-19-how-parents-and-kids-can-have-honest-and-safe-conversations-152485