Your Health: Children and blood pressure checks

The Ledger – Robin Williams Adams

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children be screened for high blood pressure, from age 3 on, during their annual well child visits. Although consistently elevated blood pressure or hypertension is rare in children Olivia’s age, it can occur. If it does, it’s often linked to obesity, but could signal undetected kidney disease, congenital heart disease or other problems.

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Children actively want to understand and express themselves regarding the coronavirus

EurekAlert! – Staff Writer

To comprehend and process the social crisis and upheaval in everyday life that have resulted from the corona pandemic, we need research and new perspectives. Researchers of early childhood education at Åbo Akademi University, University of Helsinki, University of Gothenburg, Örebro University and Umeå University have studied how children attending day-care or preschool comprehended coronavirus at the time of its initial outbreak.

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Mental health needs on the rise for children and teens during pandemic

King 5 – Roberta Romero

A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found that since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a 24% increase in emergency department visits by grade school children and a 31% increase for teens urgently in need of mental health care.

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The pandemic and childhood weight gain

Medical X-Press – S.E. Gallagher

There’s plenty of talk of the COVID 20—meaning the extra weight that adults are putting on during the pandemic. But what about children? Even before the pandemic, the percentage of American children who have overweight or obesity—defined as body mass index (BMI) being in the 85th to 95th percentiles for children of the same age and sex—was startingly high, and early evidence is suggesting the pandemic may make matters even worse.

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You know sugar is bad for your kids—here’s what you can do

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Saying “no” to crying kids in the supermarket candy aisle is an all-too-familiar scene for many parents. Good luck explaining obesity and diabetes risks to a screaming toddler. And even if parents avoid the shelves of chocolate and peanut butter cups, they might not realize that sugary foods are everywhere. They’re hiding all over the store, even in seemingly healthful options.

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