Jan 4, 2021
Moms – Kasey Van Dyke
They’ve made it through their infancy and the chaotic, messy toddler years. You’ve watched them learn how to crawl, then walk and run. You’ve overcome the first day of school, their first fight with a friend, and their first academic achievements. The first few years of a child’s life are magical and overwhelming and beautiful and terrifying. Then they suddenly turn 6 years old and you’re faced with this new phase of their childhood.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/milestones-middle-childhood/
Jan 3, 2021
Prestige – Neetinder Dhillon
Getting children to eat what’s good for them becomes patently easier if the food actually tastes and looks good. Banish the notion that only bland, under-seasoned food is healthy – it’s not! And those “child-friendly” meals that restaurants serve up? They are a trap that restrict the children’s taste buds.
Read More: https://www.prestigeonline.com/th/wine-dine/dining/super-foods-for-children/
Jan 3, 2021
The Star – Staff Writer
As we watch our children and teens play video games during the Covid-19 pandemic, many parents wonder: how much is too much? People are spending a lot more time staring at digital screens. But after your kids log off from school and homework for the day, is it OK if they spend a few hours gaming with their friends?
Read More: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/health/2021/01/03/think-your-kid-is-spending-too-much-time-playing-video-games
Jan 2, 2021
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
Getting children to move their bodies is so incredibly important, but it can also be so incredibly hard. With the lure of screens and video games lingering, children are less and less likely to get the proper amount of exercise they need to maintain a healthy and well life. Exercise is also about a lot more than just keeping a healthy weight, it has so many benefits that can help a child throughout the day. According to Live Healthy, when children get enough exercise it improves their cognitive ability. This means that getting exercise in the morning before school can help them succeed throughout the day.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/kid-exercise-morning-routines/
Jan 2, 2021
Moms – Michelle Parkerton
Let’s face it: None of us really like to do chores around the house. Right, moms? But at a certain age, our kids are old enough to start lending a hand with the housework. Not only does them picking up after themselves lessen the load a little bit for us parents, but it aids in their overall development as it teaches our kids responsibility. From as young as 2 years old, children can benefit from having a list of chores to do. Whether you have your toddler picking up their toys or your teenager helping out with the laundry, teaching them how to do things around the house will make them well-rounded people in the long run.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/benefits-teens-kids-chores/