Jan 21, 2021
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
Head lice is the bane of a lot of parent’s existence, and they dread the day they see their child start scratching their heads. Head lice can be difficult to deal with for children and parents, and while there are treatment options available for mom, it would be better if she could just figure out how to prevent it in the first place. Head lice may seem like an “inconvenience,” but if it is not taken care of properly, it can lead to infections and other health problems.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/how-prevent-head-lice/
Jan 21, 2021
The Conversation – Arosha Weerakoon and Mihiri Silva
Baby teeth, or milk teeth, act like lighthouses to guide the adult ones to their correct destination. A baby tooth will become wobbly and fall out because the adult tooth that follows pushes through to break down the roots of the baby tooth.
Read More: https://theconversation.com/yes-baby-teeth-fall-out-but-theyre-still-important-heres-how-to-help-your-kids-look-after-them-148190
Jan 20, 2021
Moms – Simon Books
Children love art. Nothing makes them happier than getting messy while finger painting, making collages, drawing with chalk, or completing tasks on their coloring books. Yet, there is much more to the whole process than just having fun. The process of making art has been known to support your little one in almost all aspects of their development. To help you comprehend the importance of art to your child here is a look at nine benefits painting provides to them.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/benefits-painting-provides-children/
Jan 20, 2021
The Conversation – Michael Hefferon
As COVID-19 vaccination for adults rolls out, it’s time to consider the wisdom (or otherwise) of vaccinating our children. Indications to vaccinate a child population could include:
Read More: https://theconversation.com/should-children-get-the-covid-19-vaccine-153431
Jan 19, 2021
Contemporary Pediatrics – Elena Mann, MD, FAAP
Lucia had begun to take school seriously in 8th grade but now, in 9th grade, she has become disheartened and says the teachers do not explain things well virtually. She does not like to show her face on camera and has begun to stay in her room, refusing to even eat dinner with the family. She keeps asking them to leave her alone. Her parents are worried. She just wants to play video games and play music in her room, and she has stopped seeing her best friend. The freshman guidance counselor called the parents to say she has missed more than half of the school days in the last week. The parents had no idea because they both work through the day online and assumed Lucia was participating in school virtually. They don’t know what to do.
Read More: https://www.contemporarypediatrics.com/view/pandemic-pediatric-tips-for-mental-health