Q&A: Balancing screen time and creating a healthy home for children

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Children are spending more time online with hybrid and distance learning thanks to COVID-19. The good news is that there are ways to balance your child’s screen time while also creating a healthy home environment. However, it is important that you take the steps needed to monitor screen time, and allow for physical activity and critical thinking.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-03-qa-screen-healthy-home-children.html

Survey Reveals Parents True Fears Around Screen Time & Socialization

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

In a recent survey, parents are revealing their true fears about what the isolation and screen time are doing to their child’s socialization skills. Children have lived a very different life this last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Children have been isolated at home, missing their friends, classmates at school and family. They have also been spending more time in front of a screen. This increased screen time is due to remote learning as well as bored children who are looking for something to do, and mom who has run out of ways to entertain them.

Read More: https://www.moms.com/survey-reveals-parents-true-fears-screen-time-socialization/

Survey: More Young People Are Depressed During the Pandemic. But They May Be Using Social Media to Cope

The 74 Million – Kevin Mahnken

Adolescents have experienced a pronounced increase in symptoms of depression during a year of isolation and school closures, according to survey evidence released today. The research indicates that many have turned to digital health resources, as well as social media, to cope with the negative emotions stoked by COVID.

Read More: https://www.the74million.org/survey-more-young-people-are-depressed-during-the-pandemic-but-they-may-be-using-social-media-to-cope/