Apr 25, 2021
The Chatsworth Rising Sun –
Growing your own veggies is a great way to introduce your little ones to the magic of gardening. They can watch the process unfold in front of their eyes – from planting, to harvesting, to the dinner table – delicious veg on demand. Potatoes are a good vegetable to start with. What kid doesn’t love chips? With this easy-harvest potato planter, you and your children will be growing your own potatoes in no time.
Read More: https://risingsunchatsworth.co.za/175457/kids-diy-the-magic-of-home-grown-vegetables/
Apr 25, 2021
Moms – Ashley Wehrli
Microsoft has launched a new “kids’ mode” for their edge browser. Technology and the internet are such large parts of a child’s life. It is a lot different than how it was when parents were growing up, and some are choosing to embrace this. With the introduction of remote learning and the increased popularity of social media, children are spending a lot more time online than they ever have, and the least that parents can wish for is a safe platform for their children to use. Parents who hand over their own tablets and laptops for their children to use may worry about the safety of these products and the possible content they could come across.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/microsoft-launches-new-kids-mode-edge-browser/
Apr 24, 2021
The Adirondack Daily Enterprise – Dr Lewis First
Parents have been picking my brain in regard to how to handle their picky eaters. Well, here’s a healthy mouthful of information. More than a quarter of 3-year-olds are picky eaters, according to recent studies, and a new food may have to be offered at least 10 to 15 times before a normal eater will try it, let alone a picky one.
Read More: https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/opinion/columns/2021/04/tips-to-chew-on-for-parents-of-picky-eaters/
Apr 24, 2021
The Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials – Staff Writer
When those growth plates become damaged through a sports-related injury or accident, they not only can be painful but also can affect how well and how long your child’s arms, legs, hands and feet grow.
Read More: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-you-should-know-about-growth-plate-injuries/
Apr 23, 2021
Moms – Kelli Catana
Yoga has long been touted for its physical and mental health benefits, so it should come as no surprise that some studies are showing that it can also help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Practicing yoga has been known to help some children with ASD be able to manage their stress and anxiety while helping to teach them coping skills as well as helping children physically.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/yoga-beneficial-autistic-kids-anxiety/