Apr 23, 2021
Moms – Simon Books
As summer approaches, everyone is looking for different ways to get outdoors and enjoy the warm, fresh air. This is the time to get out that gingham blanket that you tucked away in storage. It’s picnic time! Picnics never get old. They are a terrific way to enjoy time with family and friends in the open. And doctors are now actually prescribing the great outdoors.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/8-smart-hacks-for-picnic-day/
Apr 22, 2021
Medical News Today – Louise Morales-Brown
Asthma is the most commonTrusted Source noncommunicable disease among children and infants. Research suggests that roughly 5.1 millionTrusted Source children under 18 in the United States have asthma. Research also notes that while cases of asthma attacks are going down, roughly half of childrenTrusted Source with asthma report having one or more attacks.
Read More: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/childhood-asthma
Apr 22, 2021
EurekAlert! – Staff Writer
Parents educated beyond high school invest more in family health care, reducing the likelihood of adverse medical conditions despite differences in family income and health insurance, according to a recent Rutgers study that appeared in the Southern Economic Journal.
Read More: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-10/ru-kho101818.php
Apr 21, 2021
Medical X-Press – Anne Lisa Stranden
Children who spend a lot of time outdoors during the day display fewer symptoms of hyperactivity. A new study of kindergarten children show this to be a strong link. “The difference between the brightness of indoor and outdoor light is considerable,” says Vidar Sandsaunet Ulset, who is a psychologist and postdoctoral fellow at Promenta Research Centre at the University of Oslo. He is one of the researchers behind the study.
Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-04-children-daylight-calmer.html
Apr 21, 2021
Moms – Simon Books
There is a range of reasons that may cause a student to experience language difficulties. When a child’s language skills are below the expected level for his age, this condition is referred to as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). According to statistics, one in twelve students suffers from Developmental Language Disorder. Unfortunately, DLD is under-identified and most people have never heard about it. The good thing is that researchers are discovering many learning disorders to better assist our young ones.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/developmental-language-disorder-kids-explained/