Another Reason To Get Your Kids To Bed Earlier: Avoids Obesity

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

A new study has found that sleep may be a way for children to avoid obesity. Parents know that sleep is essential for the healthy development of children. They need it to grow, maintain focus in school and be happy. Parents also rely on children sleeping for their mental health; a child who sleeps well equals a parent who sleeps well or at least has breaks from parenting to practice some self-care. As the world does more research, they are learning more and more about the benefits that sleep hold for children.

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How One Mompreneur Seeks To Empower Parents Of Children On The Autistic Spectrum

Forbes – Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo

Raising a child with autism presents unique challenges that few understand. Some have understandable difficulty dealing with the diagnosis or can easily get overwhelmed in figuring out how to navigate their child’s journey best. There can be an emotional toll, physical and mental exhaustion, and the palpable hope you could do more to help.

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