Serious Cases Remain Rare, But Coronavirus Infections In Children Are On The Rise

KQED News Mind/Shift – Dustin Jones

In the last week alone, according to the report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, nearly 72,000 cases were reported in children, roughly 19% of the total number of new cases nationwide. And while hospitalizations and deaths remain low, the number of child coronavirus infections increased by 3% over the last two weeks of the month after declining earlier in the summer.

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Getting your child back into a healthy back-to-school bedtime routine

WSMV – Holly Thompson

Many Midstate students are returning or getting ready to return to school, and that means a return to a morning and bedtime routine that may have been a little loose over the summer. There are five key things to consider when easing students back into bed and back into the classroom.

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