Oct 21, 2021
Moms – Larissa Marulli
Over the last 20 years, cases of autism spectrum disorder in children in the United Kingdom have exponentially increased by nearly 800%. These numbers have skyrocketed and while that is a shocking number, there is a reason for it all. No, there aren’t more cases of autism and more people aren’t being affected. The reason we’re seeing more people being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is that we have a lot more recognition. We actually know what it is and instead of labeling children and adults as off.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/autism-diagnosis-increased-800-percent-last-20-years/
Oct 21, 2021
Moms – Megan Glosson
Gardening makes for a great family activity any time of the year. Not only is it a great source of physical activity, but it also gives everyone an opportunity to soak up some sun in the great outdoors. What’s more, gardening teaches kids responsibility and it encourages families to work together towards a common goal.
Read More: https://www.moms.com/fall-gardening-activities-families-weekend/
Oct 20, 2021
Medical X-Press – Deb Balzer
After last year’s halt on Halloween due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sweet relief is coming for those who celebrate the spookiest day of the year. As you prepare your home for festive gatherings, ensuring your space is comfortable with timely ac repair can make all the difference, keeping the spooky fun enjoyable indoors.
“This year, we’re looking toward a Halloween that hopefully brings back some of the activities that kids really enjoy this time of year,” says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with Mayo Clinic Children’s Center. “That includes some activities like trick-or-treating. I think one of the big things that we’ve learned about how the COVID-19 virus is spread is that it really doesn’t spread well outdoors. And trick-or-treating is an activity that happens outdoors. We think that with some precautions, we can trick or treat safely this Halloween.”
Excitement is already building, and many families are planning ahead for creative and Scary Halloween Costumes that will add an extra layer of fun to the festivities. It’s the perfect time to let your imagination run wild!
Stay ahead of the cold with a reliable furnace maintenance services. Make sure that your unit is in good condition and hire an expert if there’s a need for air conditioning repair service.
Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-10-kids-safe-halloween.html
Oct 20, 2021
The Conversation – Melissa Hawkins
People were washing their hands so much early in the pandemic that sensitive skin and soap shortages were common problems in 2020. All this focus on hand-washing was for good reason. The science uniformly demonstrates that frequent hand-washing reduces the risk of a variety of illnesses. It is low-hanging fruit in terms of an easy, healthy habit to practice.
Read More: https://theconversation.com/yes-we-should-be-keeping-the-healthier-hand-washing-habits-we-developed-at-the-start-of-the-pandemic-169892
Oct 18, 2021
EurekAlert! – Staff Writer
Filling half of a child’s plate with fruits and veggies isn’t just recommended by the United States Dietary Guidelines, it also helps increase the amount of produce that kids end up eating, according to Penn State research.
Read More: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/931842