Just 9% Of Teens Meet Daily Physical Activity Requirement

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

A new study has found that only 9% of teenagers are receiving the recommended amount of physical activity every day, and this can be concerning. Teenagers are in a vital stage of their development, and their body is growing at a rapid pace, and this means that they need to make sure that they are healthy and taking care of themselves. The pandemic has put a halt in that, with a lot of teens suffering with mental health struggles and they have strayed closer to screens and other sedentary behavior. This could have some serious implications on their health, and experts are set out to see just what the impact has been.

Read More: https://www.moms.com/few-teens-meet-daily-physical-activity-requirement/

Why kids shouldn’t eat added sugar before they turn two, according to a nutritional epidemiologist

The Conversation – Lisa Bodnar

I remember a decade ago sitting in front of my 9-month-old daughter, who was in her high chair, and trying to spoon-feed her a pureed green vegetable. It didn’t matter if it was peas, green beans or something else, because the outcome was the same: I spooned it into her mouth, and it came right back out.

Read More: https://theconversation.com/why-kids-shouldnt-eat-added-sugar-before-they-turn-two-according-to-a-nutritional-epidemiologist-173398

Healthful food for children is the same as for adults

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

It is the position of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) that there is no difference between healthful foods for adults and for children aged 2 and older, except for age-appropriate adjustments in texture and portion size, according to a new position paper in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-healthful-food-children-adults.html