How Movement Helps Kids Process Their Emotions

Moms – Megan Glosson

While most kids have mastered the art of the tantrum by the time they turn two or three, most children struggle to actually label and understand their emotions no matter what age they are. In fact, many adults also struggle to accurately convey their emotions, and, no matter how much we wish it wouldn’t, this struggle spills over into our parenting.

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Early treatment could tame peanut allergies in small kids

Medical X-Press – Candice Choi

The researchers gave increasing amounts of peanut protein powder to a group of toddlers to build up their tolerance for peanuts. After 2 1/2 years, close to three-quarters could tolerate the equivalent of 16 peanuts without an allergic reaction. Six months after treatment stopped, one-fifth still had the same tolerance.

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10 parenting strategies to reduce your kids’ pandemic stress

The Conversation – Amanda Sheffield Morris and Jennifer Hays-Grudo

Parents are dealing with huge demands on their time and energy. Children may not be attending school or involved in regular activities. As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on families, routines have collapsed, patience is wearing thin and self-care is a distant memory.

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