Researchers reveal impact of obesity on the heart’s anatomy for young children

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Researchers from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London have for the first time revealed the impact of obesity on the heart’s anatomy for young children, specifically how the heart adapts to obesity and the extra demand it generates independently from other factors such as our natural growth and development. The results have the potential to aid the detection of individual future risks during adulthood.

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Importance Of Teaching Sun Safety To Kids

Moms – Jessica Tucker

Teaching kids sun safety is important so that they can protect their skin from being damaged later in life. Because of this, the earlier that kids learn to take care of their skin and make it part of their daily routine, the healthier they will be overall. By understanding how the sun can negatively impact their lives if not treated with respect, as kids age, they will have suffered from fewer sunburns and be at less risk for skin cancer, which is, unfortunately, so prevalent today amongst those who spent copious amounts of time in the sun without protection as kids. And it is because of this that it is necessary to teach kids sun safety.

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8 Healthy On-The-Go Snacks For Toddlers

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

If there is one thing to know about toddlers and preschoolers it is that they always seem to be hungry. They always want a snack, and they are often heard asking mom for something to eat every 5 minutes. That could be because they are bored, or because they are going through a growth spurt. Mom may not mind indulging in these demands for snacks, but she wants to make sure that they are at least healthy snacks. They also want to make sure that they always have a snack on them when they are traveling.

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How does excess sugar affect the developing brain throughout childhood and adolescence? A neuroscientist who studies nutrition explains

The Conversation – Lina Begdache

Parents often stress about their kids’ sugar intake, but it can be hard to know how much is too much – or what to do about it. 

Glucose – a simple sugar that forms the basis of most carbohydrate-rich food – is the primary source of energy for the brain. Healthy brains require a continuous source of energy and nutrients to fuel growth, learning and development. 

However, that doesn’t mean extra consumption of sugar is good for the developing brain. In fact, too much sugar can actually be detrimental to the normal growth of the brain. 

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