Effects of routine exercise on teens experiencing cyberbullying versus schoolyard bullying

Medical X-Press – Janet L. Essman Franz

It’s well-known that regular exercise reduces anxiety and improves mood. Vast amounts of evidence conclude that routine physical activity positively impacts mental health for people of all ages. For teenagers, though, frequent exercise may be a matter of life or death: Ongoing research by professor Jeremy Sibold shows a link between frequent physical activity and a reduction in suicidality by bullied adolescents, who are also at increased risk for low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, sadness and substance abuse.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-effects-routine-teens-experiencing-cyberbullying.html

How much candy do Americans eat in a whole year?

The Conversation – Rahel Mathews

Sugar, whether it’s derived from sugar cane, sugar beets or corn, is a primary ingredient in all candies, partly because it can be masterfully crafted to all sorts of different sizes, shapes and textures. Whether you are nibbling on rock candy, chewing on taffy, munching on jellybeans or licking a lollipop, you’re basically eating spoonfuls of sugar

Read More: https://theconversation.com/how-much-candy-do-americans-eat-in-a-whole-year-173956

Study: Taekwondo improves primary school children’s self-regulation

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

The trial studied children across four year groups (school years 3 to 6), with two classes per year group (eight classes in total). Half of the children within each class were randomly allocated to the Taekwondo experimental trial group and the other half to the control group. The experimental group received two 45-minute Taekwondo classes per week, and the control group received two 45-minute PE classes per week during the same trial period.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-taekwondo-primary-school-children-self-regulation.html

New Treatment May Better Correct Scoliosis In Kids

Moms – Larissa Marulli

A new treatment for scoliosis in kids could be a game-changer when correcting the curvature of their spine and leaving them with fewer surgical complications. Typically, there are two surgical options for children diagnosed with scoliosis: Growth friendly surgery or a spinal fusion. A new study has determined that a spinal fusion has far more success and far fewer complications for a child with scoliosis.

Read More: https://www.moms.com/new-treatment-better-correct-kids-scoliosis/

Effect of types of screen use on child mental health examined

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Xuedi Li, from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and colleagues assessed whether specific forms of screen use (television [TV] or digital media, video games, electronic learning, and video-chatting time) were associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety, conduct problems, irritability, hyperactivity, and inattention in children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis included two community cohorts and two clinically referred cohorts (2,026 children and youth aged 2 to 18 years) assessed between May 2020 and April 2021.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-effect-screen-child-mental-health.html