Adaptive swim classes build confidence, safety skills for autistic children

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Based on the positive results of a new pilot study offering personalized aquatic occupational therapy for 19 autistic children, researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine will expand the program to include 36 autistic children over the next year.

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Other Ways To Keep Kids Safe From UV Rays That Don’t Involve Sunscreen

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

It is finally time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. It seems like the winter was so long, and when the days start getting longer, and the sun starts getting stronger, families want to head outside and enjoy the fresh air and the time together. Whether it is just in the backyard having fun, or spending a day at the beach, children love to be outside in the summer. They like to enjoy the warmth, play, and even the treats (like ice cream) that come along with the hot days.

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Reducing screen time increases physical activity in children

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

Many young people spend much of their time using digital screens which may reduce their engagement in physical activity. But children have always been sedentary during most of their awake time. This has been shown every time researchers have measured physical activity among different groups of children regardless of their cultural background and geography (also before the introduction of smartphones and gaming consoles).

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How Kids’ Health Improves When Eating More Fruits & Veggies

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

One of the biggest priorities for a mom is to make sure that her children have everything they need to thrive and grow. Food is one of the most basic necessities that mom has to make sure her children receive, but it can be one of the hardest. Children are notorious for being picky eaters, and this can mean that it can be hard to get fruits and vegetables into their diets. They refuse to eat them, and mom can start worrying that they are not getting the proper vitamins and minerals that they need.

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Vitamins & Minerals Help Improve Symptoms Of ADHD In Children

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

A new study has found that certain vitamins and minerals may help improve symptoms of ADHD in children and youth. There are children out there who really struggle with day-to-day life. Children who are neurodivergent and are trying to navigate a world that is difficult for them. While they have shown that they are incredibly resilient and that they can persevere, it would be an ideal world if we could find something that can help ease some of the symptoms. This includes ADHD, which impacts many children and can make it hard for them to focus and navigate the world.

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