Girls’ mental health has been affected more than boys’ during the pandemic – new research

The Conversation – Agne Suziedelyte, Anna Zhu and Silvia Mendolia

Evidence has shown that the COVID pandemic has impacted women’s mental health more significantly than men’s mental health. For example, lockdowns and the stress of home schooling have been found to take a greater toll on working mothers compared with fathers, while women have been more likely to experience increases in loneliness over the past two years. 

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What To Do If Your Child Sprains Their Ankle Playing Outside

Moms – Megan Glosson

Children are constantly running, jumping, and playing outside during the summer months. Unfortunately, all of this time outside can lead to small injuries, like ankle sprains. Anytime a child is in pain or somehow injured, parents tend to worry and panic. However, treating an ankle sprain caused by outdoor play is relatively painless, as long as you know what to do.

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A Nordic diet can make your kids health-conscious right from the beginning

ZME – Rupendra Brahambhatt

If you want to encourage your toddler or young child to develop healthy eating habits when they grow up, you may want to read this then this new study. In a recently published research paper, a team of scientists reveals that babies that eat a Nordic low-protein diet from the age of four to six months are more likely to develop healthy eating habits. 

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