Reducing stroke risk in children with severe heart failure

Medical X-Press – Beata Mostafavi

Children who experience severe heart failure, including those waiting for a heart transplant, often need a mechanical heart pump to help their bodies circulate blood.

While this surgically implanted ventricular assist device, or VAD, is necessary, it comes with the risk of causing a blood clot that can lead to a stroke—an outcome once experienced by up to one in three children who use a heart pump. 

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This Is How You Can Best Care for a Child with Diabetes

Healthline – Sarah Bradley

If your child has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D), you probably have a lot of questions, concerns, and anxieties about what their treatment plan will look like going forward.

It may help to know that this autoimmune condition is manageable. As a parent or caregiver, you may be wondering how you can help your child learn to care for themselves while going to school, playing with friends, and having all the typically happy, carefree experiences of childhood. 

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75% of teens aren’t getting recommended daily exercise

Medical X-Press – Staff Writer

But new research from the University of Georgia suggests improving a school’s climate can increase physical activity among adolescents.

School environments play a critical role in helping children develop healthy behaviors, like creating healthy eating habits, said lead study author Janani R. Thapa. And the same goes for physical activity.

“The length of recess, physical facilities and social environments at schools have been found to affect physical activity among students,” said Thapa, an associate professor of health policy and management at UGA’s College of Public Health.

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Protect Your Child’s Eyes This Summer With These Tips & Hacks

Moms – Jessica Tucker

When the weather is warm and the sun is out, kids want to be outdoors to soak it all in. Playing games in the water, riding bikes, going on family vacations, and more, summer outdoors is one of the best times of year for kids. But with the sun at its hottest, with the highest UVA and UVB rays being their strongest, there is protection that needs to be put into place before enjoying time in the sun. The protection is not only for the skin but for the eyes as well. And that is why knowing ways to protect children’s eyes this summer with tips and hacks is important.

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Dogs Can Help Reduce Stress in Children: What to Know

Healthline – Michelle Pugle

Spending time with dogs can help reduce stress in children.

That’s according to a new studyTrusted Source published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The study examined stress levels in children in the United Kingdom before and after spending 20 minutes with a trained dog and professional handler. The sessions were twice a week for four weeks.

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