Parent’s “Diet Interventions” Can Shape Children’s Eating Habits

Moms – Ashley Wehrli

A new study has found that a parent’s “diet interventions” can shape children’s eating habits. Moms often don’t realize that the things they are teaching their child when they are younger are things that they are going to carry with them for the rest of their lives. The habits we instill in them at a young age may carry with them and even into future generations as it creates a ripple effect. Eating habits are one of those things, and that is why it is so important that parents are instituting healthy eating habits at a young age, for their child’s health and development.

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How improving your child’s gut health benefits their whole body

Motherly – Emily Glover

When we think about health, it’s nice to imagine that there is a straight line between symptoms and solutions. But, that isn’t always the case. The truth is that our bodies are both incredible and complex. For that reason, we often need to think about the bigger picture—and a growing amount of research shows that if you improve your child’s gut health, you’re helping their minds and overall bodies, too.


Worried your child is delayed from the pandemic? Here’s what experts say to do

USA Today – Alia Wong

Parents of today’s young children often find themselves wondering whether factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic have stuntedtheir toddlers’ development. Some are worried their child is taking too long to learn to walk, to grab objects, to vocalize using words. Others fear their child isn’t learning social skills or is too prone to anger or physical violence when they don’t get what they want.


How to address mental health needs in youth sports

E-School News – Jacqueline Wight

Numerous studies have shown the lifelong importance of exercise and playing sports for young children.  Physically active children are often happier children. Children involved in team sports develop lifelong friendships and develop a work ethic that stays with them through adulthood. But sometimes, the pressures of performing can have negative impacts on children.

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