Effects of parental internet supervision on online victimization of early adolescent boys

Medical X-Press – Emma O’Conner

A recent study conducted by Griffith University academics looked at the conditional effects of parental internet supervision on online victimization for early adolescent boys.

School of Psychology’s Ph.D. candidate Molly Speechley and Senior Lecturer Dr. Jaimee Stuart researched a cohort of 13-year-old boys from a single-sex school, their internet usage and availability of internet-enabled devices in the home.

Read More: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-08-effects-parental-internet-online-victimization.html

Seven tips to help encourage your child to get their exercise

The Star News – Staff Writer

Exercising is good for anyone of any age, but it can be crucial in adolescents. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) less than one-quarter of children 6 to 17 years of age participate in the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day. 

Read More: https://www.centralwinews.com/neighborhood/2022/08/10/seven-tips-to-help-encourage-your-child-to-get-their-exercise/?destination=star-newshttps://www.centralwinews.com/neighborhood/2022/08/10/seven-tips-to-help-encourage-your-child-to-get-their-exercise/?destination=star-news