Nov 22, 2022
The Conversation – Josephine Barbaro and Marie Camin
With better awareness and acceptance, approximately one out of every 50 children is receiving an autism diagnosis. More and more families are deciding when to share this information with their child. Some parents worry that doing so will “label” their child, or make others treat them differently.
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Nov 21, 2022
The Cleveland Clinic – Staff Writer
“The five major food groups offer different types of nutrients,” Dr. Fink explains, “and kids need them in the proper proportions.”
Fink says that if you emphasize a balanced plate, you won’t need to keep such a strict focus on the number of servings of each food group. “Try to focus on serving balanced meals and snacks throughout the day,” she says.
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Nov 21, 2022
Slurrp – Yash Lakhen
When we think of winter, we usually think of repairing the heater that has been broken for a year or of wearing warm garments all the time. But did you know there are other things you can do to keep your youngster safe this winter? During this period, most youngsters are tired and develop a cold or flu. Aside from wearing warm garments, eating the correct foods can also help. They need to eat nutritious winter meals to fight illnesses and allergies. Remember that as the temperature outside lowers, our bodies require more energy to stay warm. Feed your child plenty of substantial meals rich in winter foods to keep their energy levels up and the sniffles at bay.
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Nov 20, 2022
Fortune – Erin Prater
Pediatric hospitals are brimming with an unusually high number of patients who are sick from several different viruses—predominantly RSV, flu, and COVID, but also influenza-like viruses like rhinovirus and enterovirus. Many are at or near capacity, and some are far beyond it, having made room for patient overflow in offices, gift shops, play areas, and parking-lot tents.
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Nov 20, 2022
The World Health Organization – Staff Writer
FIFA and the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), Qatar and the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC) launched the #BringTheMoves challenge, encouraging players at the FIFA World Cup 2022™ to meet the celebration challenges presented to them on social media by fans across the globe and encourage youngsters to #BeActive.
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