Helping your child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The Miami Herald – Eugene R. Hershorin, M.D.

Do these scenarios sound familiar to you? They very well might, as approximately one out of every 10 children in the world suffers from a condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is a confusing name because there are three subtypes. One of them has no hyperactivity at all and is called ADHD of the inattentive type. The other two types are ADHD of the hyperactive/impulsive type and ADHD of the combined type. These children are frustrating to deal with because they are obviously bright, but can’t seem to control their attention to academic things. But they can focus for hours on things they enjoy. They want to behave, but just can’t seem to sit still and be quiet like other kids. And they do silly, impulsive things that get them in trouble over and over again. (more)