Hey Parents, It Might Be Your Fault That Your Kid Is A Picky Eater

Moms – Diane Mtetwa

Before I had a child, I used to be that person that laughed at people with picky kids. Parents who would go to the ends of the earth and back to accommodate their children’s eating whims, exhausting themselves in the process. After I had my daughter and she took to solid foods like a pro, I became even more cocky and judgmental of the people I knew with picky eaters. Then the toddler years hit and my daughter who used to eat any and everything that you put in front of her started to refuse foods before she even tried them. I’m sure I thought it was karma at first; My punishment for being so judgy towards other parents. Almost instantaneously, it felt like my smugness disappeared and I was that person that was caving into to my child’s picky eating and who bent over backward to make sure she ate.
